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As part of its strong real estate student support offerings, the Burnham-Moores Center for Real Estate offers a dedicated student and career services professional, Jackie Greulich, who guides USD real estate students along their real estate journey while at USD. The center offers the McQuaig assessment which helps students predict success in the various disciplines of real estate given their strengths. Once students take the McQuaig assessment, a member of the Burnham-Moores Center team will review the results with you and will encourage you to review the various disciplines in real estate that you are most likely to succeed in based upon your assessment results. Jackie and Executive Director Stath Karras offer more than 30 years of collective experience using these assessments as a benchmark for employee success. McQuaig describes these different personality types: The Generalist, The Pioneer, The Persuader, The Administrator, Balanced, The Specialist, The Co-Operator, The Enthusiast and Transition with descriptions of each. We have included below the types of real estate positions which are most suitable for each McQuaig assessment type.

As you review this document use it as a guide to help you explore careers where your behavior pattern thrives, remember every company, industry career sector has positions and careers for all behavior patterns.  We must work collaboratively in this industry to accomplish great properties.  Have fun exploring your career options.


The Generalist

The generalist is competitive, ambitious, goal oriented and tackles projects and situations. He/she is independent, persistent, decisive and wants to take charge and show initiative. The generalist is restless, driving, energetic and has a strong sense of urgency to get things done quickly. He/she is friendly, sociable, outgoing and enjoys working with and selling ideas to people. Positions that allow for a variety of projects, working with individuals during the day and some level of responsibility and autonomy.

Generalist Real Estate Career Path

Asset Management


Company Principal or Senior Leadership

Corporate Real Estate

Debt/Equity Commercial & Residential




Sales- Ancillary Services & Products-Property Insurance, Title, Engineering


The Administrator

The administrator is very competitive, ambitious, goal-oriented and enjoys overcoming objections and resistance. They are logical, task-oriented, analytical and make decisions based on facts, rather than on emotions. They are independent, persistent, decisive, want to take charge and show initiative. They are good at and like routine work and are predictable in their performance. Thrive on taking care of the behind-the-scenes responsibilities where execution and attention to detail is performed in a collaborative environment.  Compensation is more defined and is cautious about the level of risk. 

Administrator Real Estate Career Path

Analyst-Asset Management-Finance

Asset Management and Property Management

Corporate Real Estate 


Market Research-Mapping


Property and Title Insurance back office


The Specialist

The Specialist is accepting and cautious, deliberate and makes a point of avoiding friction with others.  They are good with detail and take duties seriously. They are relaxed, patient, steady, reliable and like routine work.  They are logical, task-orientated, analytical, and make decisions based on facts, rather than emotions.

Specialist Real Estate Career Path

Analyst-Acquisitions, Asset Management, Finance, Prop. Management, Leasing, Debt (desire to stay long-term)

Appraisal, Consulting, Audit, Compliance



Institutional RE Investment-Corp. Finance positions

Market Research 

Marketing and Design

Property Accounting

Research-GIS Mapping Specialist


The Pioneer

The pioneer wants responsibility for and authority over people and enjoys achieving goals in the face of obstacles. He/she is restless, driving, energetic and has a sense of urgency to get things done quickly. They are independent, persistent, decisive and want to take charge and show initiative. They are logical, task oriented, analytical and is likely to weigh the pros and cons.  Positions with minimal constraints on compensation, duties, and achievements with commensurate compensation and autonomy. Authority and taking risks are common traits.

Pioneer Real Estate Career Path

Asset Management

Brokerage and Leasing

Company Principal or Senior Leadership (With a high Independence)


Debt/Equity-Commercial & Residential


Sales- Ancillary Services & Products-Property Insurance, Title, Engineering,


The Persuader

The persuader is a good communicator, is optimistic, tends to see the positive side of things. They are independent, persistent, decisive and want to take charge and show initiative. They are restless, driving energetic and have a strong sense of urgency to get things done quickly. They want responsibility for and authority over people. Relationship builders and enjoy working with people in order to achieve a goal.  Willing to take risks but more cautious than the Pioneer. Compensation is defined as an ability to increase with a performance-based program.

Persuader Real Estate Career Path

Brokerage and Leasing (Sales without the business development responsibilities)

Client Facing Services


Human Resources & Operations

Property Management/Asset Management


The Co-Operator

The co-operator is accepting, cautious, deliberate in approach and will be careful about making decisions. They are friendly, sociable, out0going and enjoy working with people. They are relaxed, patient, steady, reliable and like routine work. They are also conscientious, co-operative and will likely follow company rules and directions well. 

Co-Operator Real Estate Career Path

Administrative-Project Engineers or Property Coordinators


Market Research

Marketing & Design

Operations-Human Resources

Networking Event


CoreNet Global is a non-profit association headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. It represents more than 11,000 executives in 50 countries with strategic responsibility for the real estate assets of large corporations. The organization’s mission is to advance the practice of corporate real estate through professional development opportunities, publications, research, conferences, designations and networking in 46 local chapters and networking groups globally.



Corporate real estate is the real property used by a company for its own operational purposes. It provides corporations with a productive environment to house employees, manufacture and distribute products and provide services to the market. Corporate real estate touches all classes of property, land and buildings such as office facilities, data centers, manufacturing facilities, logistic centers, corporate headquarters, distribution facilities, retail stores and hotels. 

View the CoreNet website for more information.


The Enthusiast

The enthusiast is conscientious, co-operative and follows company rules and directions. They are very accepting, cautious, deliberate in approach and make a point of avoiding friction with others. They are restless, driving, energetic and have a strong sense of urgency to get things done quickly. They are friendly, sociable, optimistic and tend to see the positive side of things. 

The Enthusiast Real Estate Career Path

Administrative Assistant

Broker Coordinator-Operations

Marketing Social Media

Operations Support

Residential Sales/Management

USD RES Photos Edits High Resolution for Print Use-12 copy.jpg

For more information, contact:

Jackie Greulich '85

Associate Director of Real Estate Student and Career Services

(619) 260-7619


The enthusiast is conscientious, co-operative and follows company rules and directions. They are very accepting, cautious, deliberate in approach and make a point of avoiding friction with others. They are restless, driving, energetic and have a strong sense of urgency to get things done quickly. They are friendly, sociable, optimistic and tend to see the positive side of things. 

Transition Real Estate Career Path

ABC title

DEF tile

GHI title

University of San Diego Real Estate Society

For more information, contact:

(619) 260-7619

5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

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